Monday, August 18, 2008

Micheal Phelps

I bet he is a screamer in bed. Looks good with facial hair. Now look closely and you can see his goods, box, crotch. I bet he more a grower than a shower. let us see how many laps he can do that away.

Congrats on a good job well done. After 30yrs betting Mark Spits record. This golden boy does fine.


  1. boy likes his dedication.

  2. Im a fan of his two tats in his groin... I would have loved to have been that tattoo artist.
    He's much better looking with facial and body hair. He's a big boy 6'4+ I think and size 14 I'm sure he's a grower!!

  3. I'll take him either with or without facial hair.
    But that 4th pic, that "suit" is a bit weird looking. Does highlight his bulge though, gotta give him that.
