Friday, October 8, 2010

From Another Reader.

This comes from a reader, who ask not to give out his name. I think these pictures are totally HOT and yummy. I was going to a be pig and keep them to myself. I decided to share with all of you, Men and boys. Thank you Mark, Rick, or Steve. Please feel free to send more picture to me.


Leatherpigboy said...

Very nice rings!

Anonymous said...

He is HOT he sent me some pics as well.


Stan said...

great lookin' cocks and piercings!


Very nice indeed! great piercings!

Kosh said...

Damn would i love to be a metal detector! Very nice.

mecobagne said...

j'aime les PA !

Anonymous said...

If you looked at your Wifes stomach then maybe you would see some REAL BALLS! mr soldier!

Ray I would start to Pray because the people onboard your boat are going to be in for even more of a REAL battering. man! the hatches, Your boat is about to sink.


Russ Manley said...

Hmm, sausage and eggs, looks like a great breakfast on your plate Ray.

SickoRicko said...

WTF does Anonymous mean?!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

althought piercings are not my cup of tea, i would really like to understand WHY men would want to pierce their genitals. piercings have always been used as adornment, but there must be some other reason that would explain why someone would undergo the pain to "adorn" their junk. can someone explain it to this dum rugger? thanks.

Ray's Cowboy said...

I think he is HOT and would love more pictures of him.

Gearcat said...
