Friday, September 14, 2012

Daddy, Who's Your Daddy???



Very difficult to choose just one of the hot, hung men! Great post!

O!Daddie said...

so hard to choose... one of each please and dont bother to wrap them up... I'll eat em here...

Anonymous said...

So many men, so little time. 2, 5 and 7 to start.

Great post Ray,

SickoRicko said...

Each one could be my daddy! One at a time or all at once, doesn't matter!

Unknown said...

Olive is my daddy!! Olive em!! LOL!

Stan said...

If only one can be my Daddy then the rest can be Uncles! All are so hot!

Jon DeepBlue said...

They're all contenders, for sure. Can't choose only one. Let's say it's a tie between all of'em! ;)

Have a great weekend Ray.

Butch 57 said...

think would be daddy to this guys! Love to fuck them all! LOL

MercuriusTJ said...

I tell you what Ray and I test drive them for you. LOL

Anonymous said...

Frank Clayton! No doubt about it!

Koba said...

Nothing beats a hot daddy!
Have a great weekend, Ray!

karl said...

I wouldnt mind a hot uncle...

what am i saying...I already AM a hot uncle!!!!!!!!!!!!

glen_mc said...

They all could be? But, the hairy ones win hands and pants down WOOF!