Sunday, October 6, 2013

Been Sick

Since last Sat I have had the sinus infection from HELL. My guest were real understanding about it and we did not do allot of things as we had planed. but that was OK with them.. I also have came up with a plan to better serve everyone as well. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. like allot of my others bloggers are doing; that is when I am going to do allot of my posting. I have really tried to come up with new ways of thinking, but I really can not. I have been doing this for some time now and really do not want to give up the blog as I have seen others do as well. Trying to come up with new post and keep everyone entertain is really not easy. So I will be blogging on Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays. If I starting my juices flowing again I may post more than that. Thank you for your time and understanding.


  1. Hey Ray, glad you will be around still. Yeh, that's what I did, cut back. Hope you are feeling much better! Hugs

  2. Hi Ray, sorry to hear you have not been feeling well. Hope you get over that quickly. I can only imagine how hard it is to come up with new and fun pics and comments but really glad to hear that M,W,F will be my favorite days from now on! Thanks for not just going away.

  3. Glad you're on the mend, and your new schedule works for me.

  4. my condolences! I hope you take care! i love your blog!
    see you later....

  5. Class of '83, huh? I was '84. You'd probably like my book (not that that's a plug or anything). Glad to see you're still blogging. I moved over to WordPress, abandoned BanditTalks, which you might remember.

    Feel better soon!

  6. Get well soon. Sinus' are a problem with me too constantly. I know what you mean about blogging every single day. I just do it as I please. I get bored with trying finding naked men and headings/titles to post too so just do what you can Ray.

  7. These days I have a lot of time on my hands, but back when I was working 2 jobs, caring for a house and 4 dogs and trolling for men, I did all my basic posts at least 2 - 3 weeks in advance and fleshed them out with current events, etc as things came up. Still do and blogging has never been WORK for me.

  8. PS- the BF hasn't suffered a sinus infection since beginning Singulair and rinsing every night.

    PPS- as I responded to your comment on my blog, ANY Ray is better than NO Ray!! Be well and be happy!!

  9. I can understand, you post when you can, its allright.

  10. Sorry about your sinus infection, I have the same problem.

    I totally agree with you in cutting down on your postings, I agree about the amount of work, and I already started reducing my post and I have find that I can do more on my other projects.

    Get well soon,

  11. Sorry to hear you're under the weather. That sucks! My partner gets sinus infections all the time due to misshapen sinuses. It's a good idea to pull back on the blog. I write my food blog on M-W-F and find it works well for me. If I feel like posting extra, I do that on the weekend when I tend to have a little more time. You might also think about going to once a week with longer posts. Something to think about. Good luck and get well soon.

  12. Hope you're feeling better soon. Take care of yourself... Blogging on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays sounds find to me.

  13. Sorry that you have been unwell! Get better soon. It's hay-fever time here at present. I understand just how difficult it is to post every day. So just post when you feel up to it. Hugs, Patrick

  14. oh dear, always so sad to hear that there is still many a dog taking a shit on your lawn. you giant big fat potato little darren palmer. do yourself a favour and whiz up a freshly made SOUP! YOU WANT TO KNOW WHO IS SICK! LOL!


  15. Hope you are feeling better very soon, my friend! Big hug!

  16. Now it's tuesday and you should feel you better. Me too for my I decided to post every two or three days! if one wants to publish nice and meaningful posts (or at least not stupid), it takes time. And I do not always have time to devote to my blog! Everyone - I believe - can understand you here.
