Monday, September 22, 2014

I-Phone Problems

Has Anyone Has Major Problems Wit their I-Phone. I never had problems but now I am get F*^K over with it


  1. I hate when you have a phone and you have to upgrade to the 8.0 version. I still my I-Phone 4s but when you have to download a new version it can get pissy.

    Thanks for lessoning to me.

  2. I don't own one. I have an LG Tracfone "pay as you go."
    I upgraded to an android but I sent it back. It sucked and I couldn't get it to do anything.

  3. Ray i have a 3gs so i totally understand, when a new one comes out the older start to not function. i am planning to upgrade to the six soon, but each day brings something new that my phone won't do anymore, even charging it is becoming difficult. but i still love iphone!

  4. All I have is an old man flip-phone with big buttons.

  5. May all these HOT guys make it home safely...

    HA!!! I used to have a Jitterbug- HATED it and consequently forced myself to learn basic Android.
