Here are some photo's of me. People been asking for them. One was taking at last year's Christmas Party for work. And the other was taking last weekend at a boat party. I am the one in the orange plaid.

I want to apologize to people if I do not get to your blog. When I Work I have a small amount of time. First I get up at 04:00, go to the bathroom, feed the dog and turn on the coffee. I wait until the dog is ready to come back in, I take my shower (yea I do not stink), Get coffee and walk the dog, we do about 45 mins. When I come back to the house. I try to post something on the blog and start checking out the other blogs. I leave my house about 06:00 to get to work. You may ask, why don't you blog when you get home. I get home about 19:45 (7:45 PM). I check the mail, walk the dog again about 45 min to 1 hour. Feed the dog, try to relax (watching the boob tube)before I go bed at 21:00. Please forgive me if i do not do your blog when I work.