OK Men And boys; I am on Vacarion for 2 weeks. Sadie Mae and I are going to my parents place for 2 weeks. I need a vacation before the voices in my head take truly over. I am going to realx and soak in tub, I hope sleep late. Really Do nothing much. I know I will be workign while I am down there. taking care of the animals; doing some odd jobs but not much. My Fother has rupture disc. That is how I know I will be taking care o fthe animals and doing some odd jobs, He is also going into the specialist about the problem.. I hope they can fix it even to a smal point would be great. During the 2 weeks. I want every to play nice and be safe until I get home. I am going to miss you folks. Hugs
So Monday I was not feeling well and I had an appt on Tuesday to see my Dr. Went there and had blood drawn and peed in a cup. I thin it is because I am getting stressed out at work. I now work 2 jobs. One is Nursing 12 huors shifts= 3 days a week. The other one is Case Mang at our sister facilty. 2 to 3 days a week = 8 hours. I get up at 04:00 every day and get the house in order walk the dog. When I am nursing i have to be there at 06:30 work until 19:15 (7:15PM) and when I am Case Mang I have to be there at 06:30 until 16:00 (4:00PM). I want to learn Case Mang and they are sonice and teaching me allot about it. I woul dlove to get out of nusring because of the back thing. I want to have a good back when I get older. Yes I am 50 years old this Dec. My back it not what it use to be. I have to pull pt up in bed, help trabfer them into their chair, on the toilet, ect. I have beem in this business for over 30 yrs now. I started out as a Volunteer, move up to Candstiper, then Olderly, then CNA and Then Medication Aide, and then Nurse. I have and do feel this is my calling. But now I am getting older and I am not as young as I use to be. I think it is the stress of 2 jobs that is getting to me. I am ttried all of the time. Sleep more than I should on my days off. Well now you have it. Thank sfor letting me do my blithering for this week. Hope everyone has a great day.
A gay white man, cowboy (yes know how to ride a horse), working as a nurse. Love Life to the fullest. ask questinons I may answer, a romantic with abit of kink added on the side.
My email address is, if any want to email me. Please intitle put Ray's Blog. So I do not think of it as spam...................