Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cowboys & Indians

Who wants to play Cowboys and Indians???


Stan said...

I wouldn't mind being captured and raped by either one of them!

Unknown said...

Play that all the time when I was a kid, I was the indian! Loved it and now I go both ways! LOL

Butch 57 said...

like to be an indian, I would be doing a lot of raping!


I too played this game with two friends as kids. I was often stripped naked and tied up!

Never happens these day!

I've got a friend coming this afternoon. Perhaps we could play!

samislut said...

sure looks like there are some sweet-smelling balls there after all this play time.

Ray's Cowboy said...

Love playing cowboys and indians


Randsome said...

Zeb Atlas in the plaid shirt - I would surely love to see him tied to that fence and every Indian in the tribe ride and fist and raped him continuously for 24/7

Lucien said...

THe INDIAN on his haunches all shiny and hot - OFF thats purty

John said...

Correct that to:

blood arrow said...

Reminds me of camping in Pennsylvania woods as a boy scout and learning many indian methods,and ways, including the comfort of leather moccasins, and breechclout, on a hot day in the woods, learing archery, tracking, and survival. wonderful way to enjoy the heat of summer, and admire the skills of the abenaki tribe, which we were to study.