Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Night, Settling Down For the Night, For Thomas

Getting ready for bed on a cold night. Nestling next to the hairy Man to keep warm all night. Falling asleep in safety and security. Feeling a Man next to you, feeling every inch of him, all of that hair to keep you warm, when you know how cold it is outside of that bed.
Good night, sleep tight.


T.E.W. said...

You are the BOMB! Must be why I slept so well last night, the good thoughts you were sending my way. Like the new photo at the top of your blog, thinking of changing mine for the Holiday, thoughts?

Ray's Cowboy said...

Glad you had a good night's rest. I am ready for the holidays. Have all the cards already written.
What to see what I am going to do.

glen_mc said...

One for everynight of the week and a couple spare!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm #3 and #4 may not be very hairy, which might be why I would like THEM to keep me warm at night!