Today I am working in my yard trying to get everything done. I will be the over seeier of everything. I think I may have to over see some of these HOT Men as well.

I want to make sure everyone is doing their part..No Slackers.
A Gay Man's thoughts . If you do not like nude pictures whether they be artsy or graphic please leave. The rest of you enjoy.
Any of those guys would certainly come in handy around my place!!!
i would love to be workin with any of these Men :) Have fun today Ray!
Handy indeed! Woof!!
I sure wish a few or all of these men would come on over and help me plug up my holes!
Yes! Definitely HOT Handy Men! WOOF!
All of these dudes would come in very handy!
Nice yard workers! I am sure you kept them in line...lucky bugger you! :-)
Wouldn't mind getting close and personal with Levi Poulter or Brad Patton! [#8 + 9]
Can they take care of my land!|
Love 'em all! WOOF!
I think I really need #5 to prune some of the plants on my balcony!
Thanks Ray... I'd pick Levi Poulter in Picture 8. Outside or inside, he would really be handy!!!
You Know how much I'm into handymen!!! The more, the better!
Guy 2 could come and lend me a hand YUM!!
Ray give me no. 2 and 6's phone no. as I will call them to help me out in the bedroom, it needs a little work
Glad that everyone can use a Handy Man.
I'll take number 2 and 7. WOOF.
I know that's how I'D dress if I were using pruning shears or moving cement blocks...
Haven't done Brad Patton yet. That's a must.
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