A Gay Man's thoughts . If you do not like nude pictures whether they be artsy or graphic please leave. The rest of you enjoy.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Holloween Costumes3
As you know. Some of these Costumes I think of you, my fellow bloogers. And Soem for me. I think it would be nice if all of us were together at a party for Holloweem. I know we all can not be there, but can you think of the fun we could have??? Again I think of someof yo uin these costumes.
Hate to say it nope, that is not I. But I have post myself and other private parts on the blog before without everyone knowing it.
Deep Blue/ Jon, You may go out and Holloween with anyoe you want. I want you to have a wonderful and GREAT weekend. And I want you to try on number 4 costume for me.
A gay white man, cowboy (yes know how to ride a horse), working as a nurse. Love Life to the fullest. ask questinons I may answer, a romantic with abit of kink added on the side.
My email address is, if any want to email me. Please intitle put Ray's Blog. So I do not think of it as spam...................
I think I'll spend the entire party with #1, treating me with his mighty big candy! ;)
Have a great weekend, my friend.
Now don't try to fool us. I know that's YOU in the last photo. You rascal you!
Hate to say it nope, that is not I. But I have post myself and other private parts on the blog before without everyone knowing it.
Deep Blue/ Jon, You may go out and Holloween with anyoe you want. I want you to have a wonderful and GREAT weekend. And I want you to try on number 4 costume for me.
Yeah! I knew you would want me in THAT one! LOL!
did I mention I hate Halloween before? ah well..have a great weekend cuddlebug ;)
Too bad I fall asleep by 9:00pm.
I'm glad you didn't put any names with the "costumes." LOL!
@ Stan: Well, he did for one of them... WOOF-WOOF! ;)
It seems you want us to just pretty up our birthday-suits! Mine really needs a good ironing as it's rather wrinkled!!!!
Hey, thats Green Lantern! [ I love him! ]. Id love to be Green Lantern; the things I could do wiht my magic ring...
so does the paint crack on batmans cock when he gets erect??
I like to bring the last batman home to wash off te costume with piss and play al nite
The last one is called Phatom. I do not know if it crcks if he gets hard.
I am glad that everyone like these costumes.
Deep Blue. I can nto wait to see you in yours!!!!!
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