I have another problem. May you can help me out. The Man who comes and mows my yard,is taking me for granted. Sat when I went to his house and asked him if he was going to mow it on Sat. He said yes. It did not get done until Sunday. No I am sorry or anything. It would be like going to you local garage and asking them to change the oil and they say yes.. Then when you come back to pick up your car/ truck they said they were going to do it tomorrow. My question is do you think I should go with another yard person or give him a second chance???
I don't think one day makes that much of a difference. Maybe he had other customers or plans for that Saturday. What time was it when you asked him? I guess I'm more willing to give those guys who do that kind of work a break maybe more than others.
If the guy who mows your yard looks like this, I think you might want to give him two more chances.
I have the exact same problem with some contractors I hire. If this was his first screw up, definitely give him another chance. You really don't know if he doesn't care, has too many customers or is afraid of you. You also gotta figure in the quality of work he does. You don't want to be jumpin' out of the fryin' pan and into the fire.
If it happens again, or becomes a continuing issue, seek other options. I despise it when someone (a tradesman) assures me that they will come at a specific time, and then fail to show up. No excuse, no apology, just an implied "Screw You".
I just think he is afraid of you, because you want something from him.His eyes say me , he also from you, but he is afraid, for doing more. You know what I mean. Just be straight forward to him. I have done it to my maintenance man for my garden and after three times we have and still have great sex afterwards, without falling in love. But, he, great natural hairy chest. and every 4 weeks, he does a great job in my garden and bedroom.
jan from Holland
if you are otherwise satisfied with the job he does and you didnt have to sit at home waiting for him, then I'd let it go. Trust me, there's lots worse out there.. Independent contractors are just that, Independent and customer appreciation died a slow death long ago.
Well, if that's the guy on the tractor give him many more chances. You possibly missed your chance. When you saw him on Sunday you should have said to him: "I thought you were coming yesterday." Just to see what he said, and so that he knows that it matters to you.
I'm going to need to know what his ass looks like before I can render an informed verdict.
Well if he looks like the guy in your illustration, that could be a difficult decision for sure.
My yard man comes on Thursdays. I like that day because the yard looks nice for the weekend. This coming weekend we are having guests from out of town. I would be pissed if he blew me off this Thursday.
It is not difficult to find a competent yard man who will do what he says he'll do. I'd look for him I think.
Jack Scott
I agree with Jeff, and Larry Ray. There really isn't any excuse if he keeps doing that.
... if the the guy on the pic is the one mowing your lawn ... I'd definitely give him a second chance!
Did his work interrupt something at your house on Sunday (like, was he mowing while you were having a brunch on the patio and everyone had to yell over the noise of the mower?)? If not, it's just grass. What's the big deal? If it is a big deal, you could just tell him next time that you are having people over on Sunday morning, and he needs to finish up by Saturday evening. Then if he doesn't do it on Saturday, I'd find someone else.
Never be in a hurry to get mowed. Take a good mow slowly - enjoy it when completed. Lay back and enjoy the smells of the mowe job.
Id give him one chance - just one, mind - and if he fucks up again, go with someone else. He mightve got the day wrong or mixed it up with another job he had to do; I know that when I worked freelance many years ago, Id have days when id have nothing on at all work-wise and then suddenly two or three jobs would come up at once - all on the same bloody day! Then Id have to prioritise what was more important and what I could drop. Maybe he thought your lawn could wait a day if he had something else on [he shouldve let you know, tho].
No! A hotter hunk will now cut the grass for you!
If he didn't apologise, or come up with a good excuse, don't you apologise to him when you say you're going elsewhere. We shouldn't take one another for granted, manners maketh the man!
Great to see you posting again! I've had a couple of days away from the computer so did not realise that you were posting again.
This particular guy could mow more than lawn for me; he could ravage me and then some until both of our hearts were content!!!! He's so friggin hot and desiring!
Either give him a second chance or send him to me, ricky tick.
Get someone else. He don't need the money apparently
Well it depends, does he give a good blow job?
Give him a break and give him another chance.
Problem Solved
If it is important to you when he mows, you need to make that clear to him. If he has done this to you before, but you didn't say anything, he probably assumes it is okay. Communication is the key.
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