Tuesday, September 11, 2012

In Remembrance


SickoRicko said...

Such a terrible day.

Anonymous said...

How can we forget. We are strong and we will make it.

I lost a friend that day, he's always by my side.


O!Daddie said...

thank you for remembering

O!Daddie said...

thank you for remembering

Stan said...

Thank you Ray. We will always remember.

Porn-Junkie said...

A day, I think, none of us will ever forget ...

Koba said...

As just said on Stan's blog, it was a very sad day that changed everything for so many people. Mya all of then innocents rest in peace.

karl said...

Never forget, never stop thinking about that awful day.
The victims of 9/11 are always in our thoughts, here in England.


I shall never forget that terrible day. All the world should remember. May nothing like that ever happen again.

Ray's Cowboy said...

I was at work watching the first tower on TV when the plane went into the second tower. I saw it live on TV with a patient. Very sad day.
