Who's Your Daddy???? My Daddy is near Waco Texas, and not that kind of Daddy, but a true father. I have been blessed by having a great and wonderful Man. He loves me for me, gay, crazy, Christian, ect. Allot of fathers do not want or except gay sons. If you asked my father he would tell you that he would prefer to have a straight one that would carry on the name, but he did not get one. And would also tell you that he is very proud of me for being me. I guess that is why I have high self esteem about myself. My family has supported me and taught me not to except second best, but be the best I can be. I am going Friday, Saturday, and Sunday down to see my Daddy on His day. I do hope everyone has a great and blessed weekend. I know that I am. I have been truly blessed by my Daddy and family.
PS. To Lord Patrick, who is like a Father to us all. Hope you have a blessed weekend.
Thanks for a posting your beautiful remarks about your daddy...
If 1 would think of sharp mind, born without that of class, be bestow upon 1s son of their frustrations. That small man, who does dance upon shallow graves, need not have suffered the ills, that their forefathers gave.
Who's my daddie? Any of these guys would cock-a-doodle DO!!
ONLY if I get spank
Great that you have such a good relationship with your dad! Kudos! Of this lot, I'll take No. 3 in the top row!
You have a great dad and have a superb weekend.
Thanks Ray for your greetings! Yes! I guess that I am the DADDY of those who follow or visit my blog! My father died when I was 10 years old. Have a great time with your father.
Any of these guys would do.
yes Ray family loves and supports even if they dont wish for what each is or choosen. hot men here
As always, I love the pictures and your comments, Ray. Have a great weekend!
Bottom row, center for me, if I had a choice. Great words about your dad. Mine died many years ago, and I still miss him, his wisdom, his caring and mostly his acceptance of who I was then.
Oh, my... I would be proud to call any one of these fine gentlemen, Daddy! Or SIR. :) Have a great weekend. Thanks for the excellent... selections! - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque
Integrity, dignity, honesty and care are all that need be said for this day.
Be well my friend and thank the Good Lord for your blessings.
LOVE this post! Bunch of HOT HOT HOTS man!
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