Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Canada Day


Xersex said...

I think Canada is a great nation! a beautiful country

Hope you subscribe my new blog and you put it among ones you enjoy (here on the right)

this is my last post:

Buddy Bear said...

On the behalf of us gay Canadian bloggers, thank you! We're very lucky to be living in such a beautiful, safe country.

I'm just doing my Canada Day post right now and might borrow that picture.... he's hot and has a beautiful cock, but I wish he had more body hair!

BosGuy said...

That makes me very happy indeed. Enjoy Canada Day!


Unknown said...

Thank you for thinking of us, buddy

Anonymous said...

I'm proud to be Canadian and I was born on the Fourth of July so I have my American connection as well. I love both countries.


uptonking said...

Hmmm... I like the way they celebrate in Canada. Now, THAT is my idea of national pride! - Uptonking from Wonderland Burlesque

Stan said...

A great country!

Koba said...

Thanks Ray! I'm gonna make you an honourary Canadian for that! :)