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Tuesday, November 9, 2010
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A Gay Man's thoughts . If you do not like nude pictures whether they be artsy or graphic please leave. The rest of you enjoy.
That's all pretty much true for the UK too. I agree the world is pandering to the lazy or criminally inclined far too much, whilst punishing those who do work hard and live honest lives.
Spoken like a straight, white, male Republican.
We no longer enslave a person to work for free under a whip; we no longer consider a wife as property of their husband; we no longer imprison men and women who love one of the same-sex; we no longer say that separate (segregated) is equal; we no longer keep minorities and women from equal opportunity in education and employment; we no longer allow discrimination in housing.
Have to say he has some good points and some bad ones
I come here to look at naked men with big cocks and tight asses, preferably in a cowboy hat and boots, maybe some chaps, or not. That said, this article is a very big turn off. It's just a bunch of short sighted narrow minded Republican talking points that sound catchy if you don't think much. Just my opinion.
Have to say LPB I fully agree with you on this one. It does have some bad ones and soome goods ones as well.
Just look where it was writtten from; Tawas City Michigan? He probably belongs to some right wing militia nut group. Situations like this aren't always black and white. That's what so wrong about the teabaggers, they only see things one way, their way.
To "Anonymous:" this is Ray's blog and he has the right to post any damn thing he wants to here whether we agree with it or not.
I agree with David, Mike, and Stan.
I didn't get to read this until Veterans Day. I fought for this guys right to say what he is saying, But I didn't fight for what he says. He is skewing what this country is all about. For my money, he's got it all wrong.
Half his points are good, the other half are nonsense and spoken like someone who thinks the 1950's were a golden age, and never mind how until the 1960's blacks and Latinos weren't allowed to vote, gay men were given shock treatments and/or prison terms, if a woman was raped it was her own damn fault and if a girl got pregnant her options were to have the kid (who would be called a bastard) and be thrown out of her home or go to a back alley doctor for a termination. And let's not get into how industry was poisoning the land, sea and sky everywhere (they still are just not to the same least in the US).
Things ain't great, right now, and politicians are just making things worse by ignoring the people who elected them (I'm a leftie and got dissed daily by Obama), but they're better than they were in many ways.
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