Just an update. My Father is home, still weak. he still has fluid on his lungs. I went down yesterday fixed him and my Mother both lunch and supper. He seems to be in good spirits. After that I went and saw my Sister. She is abit afraid that Our Father will not see Christmas. I did my best to calm her fears down. I do hope it helped. Once again thank to everyone who did their part. I am sorry if I did not get to every one's blogs yesterday before I left. Several people did not post anything at that time.
Prayers continue, Ray. Hoping for the best for you, your Dad and the family.
u dont need to be sorry about not commenting Ray, your dad is so much more important. :)
Glad to hear your dad is home.
Good for you Ray. I hope he continues to recover.
I'm sure u'll spend a wonderful Christmas with him
Glad you can be there for your entire family!
The Husbear and I, have you and your Dad still in our thoughts.
Don't worry about missing your daily visits, WE all know that you will always be back.
Carol and Husbear.
Glad everything seems to be okay and hope for you that it continues to be so.
Family comes first, always! Trust your father recovers fully very soon. Prayers continue for all the family.
This is good news indeed!
That fluid on the lungs -- I assume that your Dad is taking some kind of diuretic. In addition to that, try feeding him a strictly low-glycemic, Mediterranean diet (minus the pasta -- i.e., lots of veggies, fish & eggs but no white flour products, refined sugars, potatoes, red meat, etc.). My Dad came home from the hospital with fluid on the lungs to a hospice care arrangement, with oxygen tank, because the physician said his heart was too weak to clear the lungs; that he would inevitably die within a matter of weeks. Instead, on that diet his heart strengthened, the lungs cleared entirely, we got rid of the oxygen and he survived to almost 100.
Thanks again everyone for your understanding .
I hope everything is ok now. A big hug.
Sorry to hear about your father. Sending good vibes your way.
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