Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

I told Stan That is no way to carve a pumpkin, but then he sent me a picture telling me this is how Ruffy and "The Hubster" does it all of the time. .
Of corse I really did not think is was true until I saw the picture. I still do not think this is the way to carve a pumpkin.


O!Daddie said...

the Jack Nicholson one is particularly unnerving... HERE'SSSSSS JOHNNY !!!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the second one and the last one. Funny.


Stan said...

"Fuhgeddaboudit! dat's da way we dooz it in Joisey!"
Stan & Ruffy

Anonymous said...

Ray - send me your email - I got something for ya!

Tim said...

Ha, ha, great pics Ray, now who does #6 remind me of?

Anonymous said...

Love the one with Jack Nicholson on it!

karl said...

Thats...quite something.


Some people are very talented! GreaT Thanks!

Butch 57 said...

Some good ones here especially the cocksucker one