Thursday, October 11, 2012

Will not be posting

Sorry Folks, was going to show off my costume to everyone for holloween, but it is going to have to wait. My Mother called about 20 mins ago, Sally my sister pasted away from cancer. I will be gone until Wednesday. No posting until till futher notice. Please send your thoughts, prayers or whatever you may call it for my family at this time. Hugs Ray


Westernstock said...

Thoughts and prayers for all of you at this time.

PerthAussie said...

Blessings and hugs to yourself Ray, your extended family and friends of your sister at this immediate traumatic time and in the longer journey of grief and mourning.

larry said...

Ray, i'm so sorry to hear condolences to you and your family....

Anonymous said...

So sorry Ray. My condolences to you, your family, your sister's family and her friends.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Ray - I'm devastated! How horrible and how utterly, utterly sad!

My heart goes out to you and your family!!!

Anonymous said...

((((( RAY )))))))
So sad to hear this news. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family.

O!Daddie said...


so very sorry for your loss.

HUGS from Jeff, TJ and Smokey.

karl said...

Dearest Ray;
so so sorry for your loss, and I wish you and your family all the very, very best wishes. Heres a massive hug from me;

Ralph said...

Take care of yourself and your family. Don't worry about posting here.

Anonymous said...

my sympathy...enjoy your blog from montreal canada

my prayers are with you and your family

Unknown said...

Oh no! My deepest sympathy to you buddy! I am so sorry! I will be thinking of you and your family!

Stan said...

My thoughts and prayers for all of you at this time Ray.
Big Hugs,

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear your news. Please accept my condolences and prayers. :-(

bob said...

I'm hoping as time goes on you and your family will have peace and joy in remembering better times. As hard as that seems, it's true. I'm sure she was a wonderful person, and I like to think that she always knew how much she was loved. My thoughts are with you. Take care.

Dan said...

So sorry for your loss. We're all giving you a group hug!


My very deepest sympathy! The family is in my thoughts and prayers!

Peter said...

Thoughts and prayers for your family and friends

SickoRicko said...

So sorry to hear. Take care.

lbmaine said...

Thoughts and prayers to you and your family, a very difficult time.

Jack Scott said...

Ray, so sorry to hear about your sister's death. Cancer is such a horrible disease.

I wish for you and your family the peace that passes understanding.

Jack Scott

Pick said...

Very sad news. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Tim said...

So sorry Ray, my thoughts and prayers go to you and yours.

James M. Davis & Gurukarta K. Khalsa said...

So very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...

Bruno said...

So Sorry Ray, for the loss of your sister. My prayers with you and your family as you endure this trying time.

Kirby Holt said...

All our best from the crew at Movie Dearest.

Ross said...

Ray, may the tears and sadness you feel today be soon replaced with smiles and fond memories.

Anonymous said...

My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

I'll light up a candle for you.


Ur-spo said...

hugz back to you
I am glad to know you are surrounded by people who care foryou, and feel your sorrow.

Bob said...

I'm very sorry to hear of your loss.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry about the loss of your sister

Koba said...

Oy. Soory sorry to read this Ray. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Your loss is great and all of us who visit your site share in your sorrow.

Come back when you are ready to do so. We are a patient lot.